Sometimes vacation homes feel out of reach. But we are here to tell you that you CAN have an amazing vacation home that fits your budget, your family and guests, and doesn’t require a lot of management and maintenance. How?
With Shared Ownership.
Imagine being able to spend three to eight weeks a year in the vacation destination of your dreams without having the headache or cost of owning a second home out-right or having to book a vacation rental.
Shared Ownership is a great solution. Sharing the cost, maintenance, upkeep, and enjoyment of your vacation home has many benefits such as reducing costs, reducing hassle, increasing community, and no fears of restrictions.
Benefits of Shared Ownership
Cost Sharing with Other Invested Owners: Co-ownership can help cover the costs of owning a vacation home by having other invested owners using and maintaining the property, covering maintenance fees and costs rather than short-term renters who may cause more hassle and damage.
Price Fits Usage: Most people don’t vacation more than 3 to 12 weeks per year. With Shared Ownership you can own your vacation home AND only pay for the time you use and not for unoccupied time.
No Short-Term Rental Hassles: No need to manage and coordinate complex rental schedules and booking platforms. No need to be surprised with the rental you booked online. This is your vacation home. And no surprises from renters trashing your house, only other invested owners maintaining and using the property.
No Bans on Shared Ownership: Many vacation destinations have put up rules, ordinances, and even bans on short-term rentals because of the harm it is doing to the housing crisis and to the community. Many vacation renters face opposition and a negative reception from the locals. By owning a share in a home you are positively contributing to the community, you are part of the community, and you are not included in these bans.
Create Community: By owning a share in your vacation home you get to become part of the community you love as a ‘part time local’ not just a renter or visitor.
The Bottom Line
You can have your unique vacation lifestyle and home. Because you know what happens when you own a share in the vacation home of your dreams?
You get to enjoy a vacation on your terms.
You have fun on your vacation now that you are not worrying about finances, renters, property management etc.
You get to be a part of an amazing community and share a unique lifestyle with your family.
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